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In a car accident?
See our doctors.
Even a small auto accident is always a BIG deal! Even an accident up to 5mph can affect your health for years to come so don’t wait to schedule your appointment with our Chiropractor For Car Accidents.
CHIROFIT has a network in all of Arizona to treat you for all of your car accident injuries and at ZERO COST out of pocket* for your care.
Zero out-of-pocket*
Are finances keeping you from seeing a Chiropractor For your car accident? Call CHIROFIT now to set up your auto injury care and ask if you qualify for our Zero Out-of-Pocket payment plan. Treatment comes first, money can wait.
Our Services
We are chiropractors that focus on your car accident injuries. We will setup your treatments, imaging and more.
Need to be referred out for other medical services or even trauma counseling? We’ve got you covered!
Request an appointment or call us today at 623.773.2000.
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we are everywhere.
...well, almost.
When it comes to availability we are spread out in Arizona. From Flagstaff to Yuma and everywhere in between.
Not sure if we have locations in your area? Call us to help you locate an auto injury doctor in your area.
Call us at 623.773.2000 for available locations